Rimworld more than one base
Rimworld more than one base

There's an amazing channel on YouTube, called Kruggsmash, that does DF lets plays. The way I see it, it's like the difference between people who follow a Lego manual (RimWorld), and people who are creative enough to just build awesome things without it (DF). You explore the ruins of your fortress, track down the weregopher and get your revenge.

rimworld more than one base

However, DF is set up in a way that the player is not necessarily important to the world. They want to set up their efficient workflows or build their wonderful creations or they want to slaughter wave after wave of goblins. DF is a fantasy world simulator where you immerse yourself in the world and do whatever you want.Īgain, for a lot of DF players that point is lost. Rimworld has a kind of lame winning condition (get off the planet), but it's there for precisely the reason that it doesn't exist in DF: Rimworld is a game with mechanics optimised for good gameplay. That's why there is no winning condition.

rimworld more than one base

However, one of the core features of DF is that the world persists and has history. For the way many people play DF, I think Rimworld is a better game.

Rimworld more than one base